The Historic Dundee Hawkeye Newspaper, Vol 2 1893 - 1894

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The Historic Dundee Hawkeye Newspaper, Vol 2 1893 - 1894


8.75”W x 11.25”H
Hard Cover (Case Bound)
Printed on 80# Premium Coated Paper
274 Pages
4 Color

The Dundee Hawkeye newspaper was the only resource for local, national and world news in Dundee and Carpentersville, Illinois form 1890 thru 1917. The original newspapers were put onto microfilm in 1967 by the University of Illinois. Two sets of the microfilm were produced, 24 reels each. One set is at the Dundee Township Historical Society and the other at the Fox River Valley Public Library on Barrington Avenue in East Dundee.

Up until now, these reels have been perused and referred to for specific information. Now, for the first time, each paper, starting with the very first issue, printed in March of 1890, has been read with the objective of preserving articles of historic significance, including local, national and world events. The emphasis has been focused on local events. Each article is also indexed by date as well as by topic.

This project which is still in its infancy, will take a number of years to complete. Each issue of the original newspaper on microfilm takes approximately one hour to review and extract pertinent articles of historical significance.

Having been published once weekly for 27 years, it will take approximately 1,400 hours to complete the entire collection of newspapers. In addition, each article depending on the size of the article as well as the condition of the original paper requires thirty minutes to two hours or more to restore, in order to make it presentable and book ready.

This is Volume 2, covering the years 1893 thru 1894. Subsequent volumes, covering the following years will be released as they are completed.

Now that we have this information at our fingertips, we can understand and feel first hand, what it was like to live in Dundee or Carpentersville more than one hundred years ago. Additionally, we have access to details, history and obituaries that had been buried and forgotten…until now.

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